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Infrastructure Pipeline

Infrastructure pipeline triggers terraform run for the configured cloud provider.

Use case

Infrastructure creation can be done locally, though that requires more setup and depends on the user's machine. To avoid this dependency and fully automate cluster creation, you can use the [AutoDeploy][Infrastructure] ... commit message.

Commit message

The following commit message pattern is used to trigger infrastructure creation or updates.

[AutoDeploy][Infrastructure] <ANY COMMIT MESSAGE>

This commit message does not require any specific format following the [AutoDeploy][Infrastructure] prefix.

Example commit message:

[AutoDeploy][Infrastructure] Create new cluster


Regardless of doing an automated (using GitLab CI) or manual cluster installation (using CLI), it is recommended to setup the cluster in multiple steps. Some features, like the monitoring setup, requires a DNS record pointing to the cluster. Since Grove is not controlling DNS records, it cannot set them before proceeding with dependant.

The rule of thumb is create your infrastructure with the bare minimum features enabled and after pointing the domain to the cluster, proceed with turning on specific features and update the infra.


Remember, you allowed resource creation, update, and deletion permissions for your repository. Make sure you reviewed the changes in the grove submodule before you apply any infrastructure changes.